A contact's employment details.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) No
ContactId Int32 No
EmployerContactId Int32 (Nullable) No
WorkplaceContactId Int32 (Nullable) No
Position String No
Department String No
Workplace String No
EmployeeNumber String No
HoursPerWeek Decimal (Nullable) No
ContractTypeId Int32 The Id of the contract type. Lookup: Employment Details Contract Type list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
EmploymentStartDate DateTime (Nullable) No
EmploymentEndDate DateTime (Nullable) No
Notes String No
ShiftPatternId Int32 The Id of the shift pattern. Lookup: Employment Details Shift Pattern list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Url Actions Description
api/employmentdetails/{id} GET Gets a single Employment Details.
api/employmentdetails/contact/{contactId} GET Lists all Employment Details for a contact.
api/employmentdetails POST Updates existing Employment Details.