The basic details of an event within SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of this event in SubscriberCRM. No
Code String An optional code to identify this event. No
InvoicePrefix String The prefix used on any invoices created by SubscriberCRM for this event. No
ShortDescription String A brief description of this event. No
Title String The full title of this event. Yes
DescriptionHtml String The full description of this event in HTML format. No
DescriptionPlain String The full description of this event in plain text format. No
StartDate DateTime The start date and, optionally, time of this event. Yes
EndDate DateTime The end date and, optionally, time of this event. Yes
LastBookingDate DateTime (Nullable) The last date that this event can be booked. No
VenueId Int32 The Id of the Venue. Lookup: Venues list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
EarlyBookingDate DateTime (Nullable) If set, bookings on or before this date will use the sub events' early costs. No
LateBookingDate DateTime (Nullable) If set, bookings made after this date will use the sub events' late costs. No
EventTypeId Int32 The Id of the Event Type. Lookup: Event Type list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
SubEventCostsIncludeVAT Boolean Indicates whether this event's sub event costs are inclusive of VAT or not. No
Notes String Any additional notes regarding this event. No
SubEvents List<SubEvent> The Sub Events for this Events. This does not have to be set; if it is, the sub events will get added or updated accordingly. No
Url Actions Description
api/event GET Lists all Events.
api/event/{id} GET Gets a single Event.
api/event POST Adds or updates an Event. If the Id is set, the Event will be updated. If it is not set, a new Event will be created.