The Gift Aid Details of a Contact. One and only one of the properties should be set to true - 'ThisAndAllFuture', 'AllPreviousAndFuture', and 'OnePaymentOnly'. Typically 'AllPreviousAndFuture' would be true.

Name Type Description Required
ContactId Int32 The Contact Id of the Contact for which these Gift Aid Details should relate. Yes
DeclarationReceivedByTypeId Int32 The Id of the Gift Aid Declaration Received By Type. Yes
Limit Decimal No
DateDeclarationSentToMember DateTime (Nullable) The date the Gift Aid Declaration was sent to the Contact. No
DateSigned DateTime (Nullable) The date the Gift Aid Declaration was signed by the Contact. No
IsOpen Boolean Determines if the Gift Aid Details are open. Yes
ClosedDate DateTime (Nullable) The date the Gift Aid Declaration was closed. This is automatically set when IsOpen is false, and a date is not supplied. Similarly, it is automatically removed when IsOpen is true. No
ThisAndAllFuture Boolean Determines if a single payment and all future payments can have Gift Aid claimed. Yes
AllPreviousAndFuture Boolean Determines if all previous and future payments can have Gift Aid claimed. This is the default. Yes
OnePaymentOnly Boolean Determines if only a single paymnent can have Gift Aid claimed. Yes
HigherRateTaxPayer Boolean Determines if the Contact is a higher rate tak payer. No
NotTaxPayer Boolean Determines if the Contact is not a tax payer. No
Title String Yes
FirstName String Yes
Surname String Yes
Url Actions Description
api/giftaiddetails/{contactId} GET Gets the Gift Aid Details for a Contact.
api/giftaiddetails Post Updates the Gift Aid Details for a Contact.