The groups contained in SubscriberCRM.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) No
TypeId Int32 The Id of the Group Type. No
Name String No
Description String No
Code String No
AddressLabel String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
CountyId Int32 No
Postcode String No
CountryId Int32 No
Phone String No
EvePhone String No
Mobile String No
Fax String No
Email String No
Website String No
StartDate DateTime (Nullable) No
EndDate DateTime (Nullable) No
ParentGroupId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Parent Group. No
IsRecognised Boolean No
PotentialMembership Int32 (Nullable) The potential number of members of this group. No
PotentialMembership_DateRecorded DateTime (Nullable) The date the potential number of members was recorded. No
SectorId Int32 The Id of the Group Sector. No
Url Actions Description
api/group GET Lists all Groups.
api/group/{id} GET Gets a single Group.