A new contact to be added to SubscriberCRM. This will go into the 'Web Sync - New Contacts' area for processing. This is the best method of adding a new contact rather than manually adding the individual elements.

Name Type Description Required
PersonalDetails HoldingPersonalDetails The Contact's main details - Name, Date Of Birth etc. Yes
Addresses List<HoldingAddress> A list of the Contact's addresses (Address objects). Yes
Subscriptions List<HoldingSubscriptionDetails> The Contact's selected subscription(s)/membership(s) and their payments. No
DonationPaymentsMade List<HoldingPayment> Details of any donation payment(s). No
Profiles List<HoldingProfile> Any profiles that need to be added to the new contact. No
GroupMembers List<HoldingGroupMember> Any group members that need to be added to the new contact. No
GiftAidDetails HoldingGiftAidDetails Gift Aid details for the new contact. No
ConsentPreferences List<HoldingConsentPreference> Consent Preferences for the new contact. No
Url Actions Description
api/holdingnewcontact POST Adds a new contact to SubscriberCRM.