Information about a contact's Pay Source.

Name Type Description Required
HoldingId Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of these Pay Source Details in the holding table. No
Id Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of these Pay Source Details in the main table. This will only be filled when updating existing Pay Source Details. No
ContactId Int32 (Nullable) The Contact's Id. This is required when adding or updating an existing Contact's Pay Source Details. No
HoldingPersonalDetailsId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Holding Personal Details item. No
PaySourceContactId Int32 The Contact Id of the Pay Source. Yes
DateFrom DateTime (Nullable) No
DateTo DateTime (Nullable) No
Notes String No
ToRemove Boolean Determine if these Pay Source Details should be removed. This should only be used for existing contacts. No
Url Actions Description
api/holdingpaysourcedetails/contact/{contactId} GET Lists all Pay Source Details for a contact.
api/holdingpaysourcedetails POST Updates existing Pay Source Details.