A contact's personal details.

Name Type Description Required
ContactId Int32 (Nullable) The Contact's Id - the unique identifier for this Contact within SubscriberCRM. No
MembershipNumber String The Contact's Membership Number. Only applicable to Members - may be different to Contact Id. No
GenderId Int32 The Id of the Contact's gender. Lookup: Gender list. No
EthnicityId Int32 The Id of the Contact's ethnicity. Lookup: Ethnicity list. No
Title String No
Initials String No
Honours String No
FirstName String No
Surname String No
Salutation String No
Position String No
Department String No
Organisation String No
BirthDate DateTime (Nullable) No
AccessRequirements String No
DietaryNeeds String No
WebId Int32 (Nullable) No
RecruitedId Int32 (Nullable) No
IsVolunteer Boolean No
DoNotMail Boolean No
DoNotEmail Boolean No
DoNotCall Boolean No
DoNotShareData Boolean No
DoNotText Boolean No
ContactTypeId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Contact's Type. Lookup: Contact Type list. No
ContactStatusId Int32 (Nullable) The Id of the Contact's Status. Lookup: Contact Status list. No
NationalInsuranceNumber String No
JoinDate DateTime (Nullable) No
LeftDate DateTime (Nullable) No
Url Actions Description
api/holdingpersonaldetails/{id} GET Gets the Personal Details for a contact.
api/holdingpersonaldetails POST Updates an existing contact's Personal Details.