A new contact to be added to SubscriberCRM. This will create a new contact directly. This is the best method of adding a new contact rather than manually adding the individual elements.

Name Type Description Required
PersonalDetails PersonalDetails The Contact's main details - Name, Date Of Birth etc. Yes
Addresses List<Address> A list of the Contact's addresses (Address objects). Yes
Subscriptions List<SubscriptionDetails> The Contact's selected subscription(s)/membership(s) and their payments. No
DonationPaymentsMade List<Payment> Details of any donation payment(s). No
Profiles List<Profile> Any profiles that need to be added to the new contact. No
GroupMembers List<GroupMember> Any group members that need to be added to the new contact. No
GiftAidDetails GiftAidDetails The Contact's Gift Aid details. No
Consent ConsentPreferencesRequest Any consent preferences to be added to the new contact. No
Url Actions Description
api/newcontact POST Adds a new contact to SubscriberCRM.