An individual element of an event that can be booked - e.g. a ticket, workshop/session place, dinner option.

Name Type Description Required
Id Int32 (Nullable) The unique Id of this sub-event in SubscriberCRM. No
EventId Int32 The Id of the associated Event. Lookup: Events list. Please note that this is required when adding or updating an individual sub event. No
Title String The full title of the sub event. Yes
Date DateTime The start date and, optionally, time of the sub event. Yes
EarlyCost Decimal If the event has an early booking date set, bookings on or before that date will use this cost. Yes
StandardCost Decimal The standard or default cost of this sub event. Yes
LateCost Decimal If the event has a late booking date set, bookings after that date will use this cost. Yes
TotalPlaces Int32 The total number of places allocated to this sub event. Yes
PlacesRemaining Int32 The number of places still available on this sub event. No
IsCompulsory Boolean Indicates whether delegates must book this sub event or if it is optional. No
IsDefault Boolean Indicates that this delegate should have this sub event selected for them by default, however they can choose not to book it. No
ShowOnWeb Boolean Indicates whether this sub event should be visible online or not. No
TypeId Int32 The Id of the Sub Event Type. Lookup: SubEventTypes list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
VATRateId Int32 The Id of the VAT Rate. Lookup: VAT Rates list. -1 can be entered if this is not known. Yes
Order Int32 When displaying sub events, this is the order that they should be displayed in. No
UniqueGroup Int32 (Nullable) If set, this sub event is in a group with other sub events - usually to indicate mutual-exclusivity. No
DescriptionHtml String The full description of the sub event in HTML format. No
DescriptionPlain String The full description of the sub event in plain text format. No
AllowDefinedRatesOnly Boolean Determines if this sub event should only allow defined rates. No
MinimumPlaces Int32 The minimum number of places on this sub event. No
SubEventRates List<SubEventRate> The Sub Event Rates that are applicable for this sub event. No
Url Actions Description
api/subevent/{id} GET Gets a single Sub Event.
api/subevent/event/{id} GET Lists all Sub Events for a single event.
api/subevent POST Adds or updates a Sub Event. If the Id is set, the Sub Event will be updated. If it is not set, a new Sub Event will be created.